Shahi tukra recipe - a rich, royal Mughlai dessert of fried sugar syrup coated bread topped and soaked with fragrant creamy sweet thickened milk or rabri...
From most recent book. Haven't tried. Butter beans, a smaller cousin of lima beans, add a decidedly creamy texture to this dish. If you can't find butter...
This is such a simple way to prepare basic tofu. I like to do this, then add it into a dish with lots of veggies and extra flavors. This is a great basic...
Applying a classic steak cooking technique to carrots turns them into a satisfying vegetarian main. For the best presentation, use the largest carrots...
I got this off the Internet and have done this with my Grandchildren. They always look forward to sprinkling their Reindeer Dust for the reindeer to find...
I have to confess I used regular evaporated milk and half and half and real cheese--I didn't quite follow the Weight Watchers version, but I posted as...
Original recipe from with a little tweaking for our tastes. Such a great rub that we wanted to make sure and not loose the recipe ! Bright...
These can be made as a side dish, an appetizer, or a light dinner with a salad. To give them a smoky flavor, cook them on an outdoor grill rather than...
I made up this recipe myself, so hopefully it isn't a repeat. My husband loves this recipe, so I hope you do too! I can do it in under 15 minutes now which...
This is based on a recipe from BH&G's Bread Machine Bounty. It's delicious and simple and makes a one pound (or 1 1/2 pounds in parens) pizza dough. Cook...
From the internet This salad can be a little bit bland, it may be the pimentos, so you really have to work with the seasonings, including the...
From the Smitten Kitchen.... We finished this soup, by the way. Every last serving. We never do that. It's magic, I tell you. A big note about cooking...
This has long been a family tradition as an appetizer during the holidays. It's not the most healthy of foods, but is healthier than many other fried dough...